The EPIC Journey: 03.05

Monday, March 28, 2005

The Prayer Path Posted by Hello

Prayers from the Prayer Path

thank you, God, for the gifts of this week, the signals pointing toward a future. your wonders are truly amazing - and what traveling companions you have given me!

thank you, Lord, for your forgiveness, your love, and for our future.

we praise thy name! we raise our prayers to thee for the [individuals] that lost their lives on the red lake reservation. we lift our prayers for their families, friends, teachers, and their tribal leaders.

thank you God for letting me be calm and teaching me the right ways to walk.

in choosing ephemeral "presence" actions - have i missed the chance to do things or produce what might be more lasting - willit be remembered when i am gone? when those i was present with are gone?

o God, how many people have helped me, cared for me, adn some have let me help them in small ways. i want so much for healing in our world.

God heal us. we are broken. show us to love, hope. God save us. Amen

Friday, March 25, 2005

The Prayer Path

Our first participant just finished. She said it was wonderful and that she would like to do it again. "Are we going to do it again next year". Awesome.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Sunday, March 13, 2005

Marian's great idea:

Lets have a banner making gathering...


THE FREEING of Lazarus from death and restoration to life sets in motion the events that lead to Jesus' death, a death full of
anguish and hopelessness. ...

But Jesus' death brings Mary to the tomb in the time after death. And in the darkness of the morning there are flutterings,
utterances. At the tomb, Jesus utters Lazarus's name. At the tomb, Jesus utters Mary's name. At the tomb, Mary utters Jesus' name.
It is the utterance of love, the encounter between human and divine love. The utterance of love -- the breath of life. Names of
loved ones are spoken. Love stands in the way between the darkness and the dawn, between death and life. Love is in the silence.
Love is in the waiting.

This is the way and work of Love.
-- Susan Henry-Crowe

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A spark for discussion/ideas?

All That Has Ever Been Hoped
I’m like a rag picker, rummaging through a mountain of moldy prayer books, old hymnals, triptych art, candle stubs, ancient texts, and other things. I crawl all over the pile, poking here and there with a stick. When I find something that interests me, I sit down and take a closer look. I flip through the pages. I look at the pictures from every angle. Sometimes my head will tilt to the right, like a dog that has just heard something very interesting.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Our theme for the next gathering is based on the scriptures: Ezekiel 37:1-14 and John 11:1-45. Dry bones and the resurrection of Lazarus. Some things that we are thinking about as of Tuesday were... death, destruction, and new life. We're also planning on celebrating communion at this gathering. Ideas for readings, music, etc... we'd love to hear them.