The EPIC Journey: 02.05

Thursday, February 17, 2005

...the prayer path... Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 10, 2005

the chapel Posted by Hello

the chapel Posted by Hello

the chapel Posted by Hello

the chapel Posted by Hello

The Chapel

Hello All! I rearranged things in the chapel this afternoon. I tried to stick with Julie's "Fun with Worship Space" worksheet. We might want to rethink the big comfy blue chairs and the pew. They take up a lot of space. We have seating for 16 and 4 extra chairs off to the side. Hope I didn't step on any toes by doing this. THANK YOU YOUTH GROUP for moving that big ugly couch!

Also... John Herath (my favorite Methodist) approved of what we are doing in the chapel.

Ash Wednesday @ Youth Group Posted by Hello

Friday, February 04, 2005

Choral Reading - Temptation

Walt came up with a choral reading for next Sunday...
I have taken the Matthew and Luke accounts of Jesus' temptation and melded them into a single choral reading for three voices: narrator, Jesus, Satan. See what you think about this for Feb. 13.


NARRATOR: After his baptism, as Matthew and Luke tell the story, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by Satan. There he fasted for forty days and nights and became very hungry.

SATAN: I came to him and said, "You say you are the Son of God. Tell these stones to become bread."

JESUS: No. The scripture says that no one can live by bread alone. Your bread won't feed my soul.

N: Then Satan showed him in a second all the kingdoms of the world.

S: See all this power and wealth I can give you; all you have to do is kneel and worship me.

J: My Torah commands me to worship only the Lord God and serve only Him.

N: Then Satan took him up to the pinnacle of the Jerusalem temple and said to him:

S: If you are truly God's Son, throw yourself down from here. Your God will surely order His angels to catch you up, lest you dash even a foot against those stones.

J: Outta here, Satan! I will not put my God to the test.

N: Then Satan sulked away, and angels came and tenderly cared for Jesus.

And how did Mark tell the story? With his characteristic brevity, he put the whole event into three verses. Listen:

"After Jesus' baptism, the Holy Spirit called him into the desert, where he stayed for forty days, being tempted by Satan. Wild animals were there also, but angels came and ministered to him."

Two accounts of Jesus' temptation for our reflection.

We are now wireless!

Hello all! I'm typing away while in the chapel! How much fun is this going to be?

I was able to find my copy of the Jesus movie. It had a "Camping Video" label on it - written in my handwriting. I honestly don't know how my brain works most of the time

Have a great weekend. See you Tuesday!