The EPIC Journey: This is what I missed while I was away

Sunday, January 09, 2005

This is what I missed while I was away

We were talking about the tsunami and what we could do to help. We decided to do a coin drive for UNICEF. They were excited to give money to help kids. So, during the discussion I pull out "The Word on the Street" and read Mark 12:41-44
Jesus takes a break, sits down opposite the collection boxes. He watches the loaded wafting their big notes around so everyone can see how much they're giving to God's charity. He doesn't miss the cash-strapped widow who sneaks up and tries to get two measly little coins in to the box without them clattering around and giving her away...

Nudging his team, Jesus points her out and says, "Truth is, this woman's put in more than the rest put together! If we're talking percentages, they give a tiny fraction of their vast disposable income - she gives all of it, 100 percent."
Some of the kids, say stuff like "that sounded different", etc. I say it is a new translation, interpretation of the bible. Ian Hess says "No wonder I understood it then". You missed a pretty hot and heavy discussion about America’s role in the world – “why should we give to them, if they don’t appreciate it” “what happens if these countries end up bombing us” etc. We have to be above all the crap that happens in the world and be compassionate and generous because that is who we are as Americans.

So... this is what we're going to do. Amanda is going to make an announcement in church and challenge the church, Sunday School kids, and themselves to collect coins. For example...

1¢ for each window in your house

5¢ for each room in your house

10¢ for each door

25¢ for each family member or roommate

$1 for your house (Chris suggested $1 per square foot – I told him that was only for the big givers)

50¢ for each can of pop you were going to drink today.

Just wanted to let you know what our awesome kids are doing.

Have an awesome day on the beach today.


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